A large portion of the tasks in the healthcare industry are repeated and executed manually. This impacts the quality of care, adds to the cost of the consumer, and affects the bottom-line of the provider. A practical way to overcome these challenges is to maximize access to virtual care in a time-critical manner.
At Unqork Create 2022 Rob Cimino, Vice President, Digital Health Strategy & Implementation at Maimonides Medical Center, and Suma Nittur, Program Manager at Persistent, discussed the ways that Codeless as a Service (CaaS) supported successful implementation of virtual care.
Connecting disparate systems
A big part of the challenge for Maimonides was the fact that records related to patient care were not always connected.

“We had multiple health health records specific to different settings, a separate billing system, separate scheduling system for the enterprise, and decided that we wanted to unify all that for our patients behind a single front door experience,” Cimino explained.
“And to do that, we felt we really had to build it ourselves,” he added.
Unqork made it possible.
“We’ve integrated with scheduling & bill payment. There’s an interface to our registration system to help us to identity matching. Most of the core legacy systems at the hospital are integrated to the application through Unqork,” said Cimino.
Rapid deployment, measurable results
Cimino and team were very pleased with the way Unqork support them in their goals.
“It is simple to use, and even to implement,” Cimino said. “The implementation was really quick, because the requirements were so clear and well defined.”
And the new solutions built with Unqork are supporting growth at Maimonides.
“About 20% of the patients who find self-scheduling are patients who are new to the hospital. So that’s been a real benefit in terms of growth,” Cimino said. “We’re really happy with the Unqork solution.”