2 min read

We’re not a contender.
We’re codeless.

Unleashing the Power of Codeless Platforms
for a Future Beyond LCNC

By Gary Hoberman, CEO and Founder of Unqork

Unqork’s foothold in the low-code/no-code (LCNC) category doesn’t compare to those of decades-old incumbents. And we agree – because we don’t belong in that category at all. Despite our efforts to show LCNC analysts our true focus, the afterlife of an application, we’ve come to realize we are not a contender. We’re codeless. 

While LCNC and codeless vendors both accelerate the creation of enterprise applications, the codeless approach goes beyond that, revolutionizing the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC) after your application is built. 

Truly grasping the transformative potential of codeless technology requires asking the question: If or when the software goes live, is your company worse off? When using a language based software approach (LCNC), the answer is yes. 

LCNC is Legacy Code

Despite LCNC platforms automatically generating code for enterprise applications, the applications themselves are legacy language based. This reliance on code eventually negates the perceived benefits of any features offered by LCNC tools. In essence, the LCNC category assumes that code is the ultimate goal, but we disagree.

This assumption means that your organization becomes responsible for managing and maintaining that code throughout the application’s lifespan. This includes ensuring security and compliance, conducting testing and quality assurance, and integrating new capabilities with evolving systems as older ones are phased out.

While LCNC vendors assist in quick app creation, the creation process is merely a fraction of the overall demands applications impose. Just ask any IT leader, and they’ll attest that keeping the lights on consumes a significant portion of their budget and resources. In fact, it’s a whopping 80% lost to maintaining a completely avoidable cost

The Power of Codeless

Unlike LCNC, Unqork’s codeless platform revolutionizes what happens before and after your application is built. It achieves this by never generating code– ever. Instead, our codeless platform creates and manages applications through data, completely separating the “DNA” of an application from the underlying technology required for its operation. 

In other words, codeless technology for enterprise development is akin to what cloud and serverless architecture did for computing. Consider the process of selecting a cloud provider today; you no longer need to worry about the costs and management of servers or the maximum compute power of the solution. Cloud renders those concerns irrelevant. 

To truly evaluate the power of codeless technology, a fresh set of questions must be posed– one that disregards the criteria relevant to LCNC tooling platforms. Codeless applications liberate you from code, freeing you from the burden of security testing, upgrades, and other worries that keep your tech team up at night.

Instead of engaging in a feature-by-feature comparison of how LCNC platforms can bring your application to life, the pivotal question to ask is: How much will it cost you to build and run a codeless application over its lifetime, versus a LCNC application? 



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