2 min read

Unqork and Code Platoon Partner to Train, Hire, and Empower Veterans

Unqork has partnered with Code Platoon to bring veterans and military spouses into the technology sector 

Unqork is proud to partner with Code Platoon to help veterans and military spouses begin new careers in technology. As part of our Tech Track initiative, we’ve partnered with organizations such as Steamtrain to develop tech talent pipelines from traditionally overlooked communities. The partnership with Code Platoon will focus these efforts on veterans and military spouses.

All accepted participants will take part in a paid three-week training on the Unqork platform. Upon successful course completion and passing a final exam, all participants are guaranteed full-time paid positions with Unqork, one of the country’s hottest tech brands

“Tech Track is an initiative within Unqork geared towards creating equitable access to employment by supporting overlooked populations pivot into careers in tech,” explains DEI Program Application Specialist Harmony Richman who oversees the program. “This program works to sidestep a lot of the barriers and biases overlooked populations encounter when applying for jobs, let alone a full career switch. Supporting qualified and motivated candidates of diverse life experiences to achieve successful employment at Unqork is an exciting and important step in moving towards an equitable and diverse company, which can only make us smarter, stronger, and more successful.”

“What you generally find with veterans is when you hand them the right tools and tell them to get the job done, they will do it” — John Norton, Unqork Sales Engineer and co-leader of Unqork’s veteran-focused Employee Resource Strategy Group 

“What you generally find with veterans is when you hand them the right tools and tell them to get the job done, they will do it,” explained Unqork Sales Engineer John Norton in a blog post on Code Platoon’s website. 

John co-leads the veteran-focused Employee Resource Strategy Group (ERSG), Unqork Veterans, which aims to support military service members and their families to transition from military service to new veteran civilian professional careers in the tech sector. “There is immense value in having somebody that you absolutely know you can depend on. Somebody who knows that no matter what the circumstances, they are going to accomplish the mission. Veterans are great problem solvers, dedicated, able to overcome obstacles fairly quickly and keep a level head under pressure.

“Across the board, the candidates that have come from Code Platoon have set a high standard in terms of their motivation, dedication, and the education they have received,” John continued. “Unqork sees Code Platoon as a great resource for finding top Veteran talent for their technology facing roles.”


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