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Unqork’s ERSG Mucho Amor Celebrates 1 Year of Building Latinx Community


Unqork is best known for building enterprise applications with no-code, but internally, we are also building belonging. It’s hard to believe that #UnqorkMuchoAmor is closing in on our first year as an ERSG (employee resource strategy group). This year, we featured guest speakers, hosted virtual game nights (Lotería, a family favorite) and championed Unqork Latinx professionals with the support of our allies. As we cultivate comunidad while celebrating and contributing to the Latinx community, it’s not lost on us that despite our progress, there is much work to do. 

It’s no secret that marginalized communities, namely women and minorities, are underrepresented in technology. Latinx professionals hold 13.9% of roles in technology and within that group, Latinas hold less than 2% of roles in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) nationwide. We say representation matters, because it does; we cannot become what we cannot see. We are a legion, but we are not many, especially when it comes to diversity in executive positions, where Latinx professionals hold merely 3% of roles in the US. So, what can we do? 

It is more important than ever to speak on panels to share our stories, share our unconventional backgrounds, and represent Latinx in tech. 

We can do it. Si, se puede. And for Mucho Amor, it starts here at Unqork. While many of us can relate to the narratives of growing up in homes that didn’t offer exposure to roles in tech (especially since so few of us hold these roles), some of us, like Unqork Mucho Amor, are lucky enough to start changing that ratio. Together as an ERSG, we are continuously seeking ways to reach younger generations to inspire them to embark on their journey into the tech world. It is more important than ever to speak on panels to share our stories, share our unconventional backgrounds, and represent Latinx in tech.   

As we approach Latinx Heritage Month this September, we are excited to bring even more awareness to our cause with cafecito chats, more speakers, and special events (stay tuned)! Together, we are working hard to recruit talented individuals from diverse backgrounds to gain exposure to technology and push new ideas forward. As we develop partnerships with like-minded groups and non-profit organizations, we hope to provide equity of opportunity to anyone with ambition and ganas to make a difference.

Our name “Unqork Mucho Amor,” inspired by the infamous Walter Mercado, reflects our mission to unqork so much love to our community, to grow, mentor, and support any Latinx individual who is seeking a path in tech. We can only be successful as an organization and society by including varied backgrounds, capabilities, and experiences.

Acompáñanos in building Latinx community here at Unqork: MUCHO AMOR RECRUITMENT

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