Loan Origination

Deploy a self-service lending and post-loan servicing platform to accelerate your lending business

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How Unqork helps you

 rapidly build and effectively manage a seamless, omnichannel experience for borrowers, underwriters, and agents. Potential borrowers can easily apply and upload their information, qualification criteria are automatically applied, and applications are aggregated and presented for efficient review by approval and underwriting teams.

Increased speed

Incorporate KYC and OFAC workflows into the application process; integrate with popular accounting software to automate inputs.

Enhanced flexibility

Easily make adjustments when regulations or processes change, keep up to date with 7(a) and SBA regulations changes.

Future proof

Unqork allows for the creation of complex software without generating legacy code.

Capabilities at-a-glance 

Multiple inputs

Empower borrowers to input company information, and instantly calculate eligibility and loan amounts.

Automated diligence

Integrate with existing systems and external data sources such as OFAC to enhance key KYC and verification processes.

Seamless integrations

Integrate with Plaid to connect with bank accounts and payroll providers, and integrate with DocuSign for seamless e-signing.

In-system messaging

Send messages to borrowers for loan application management, notifications, and follow-ups.

Underwriter workflow

Enable underwriters with dashboards to review business information and confirm supporting evidence all in one place.

Custom processes

Build custom approval, underwriting, monitoring, compliance, and forgiveness processes specific to your organization.

Go Codeless Today!

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